Why is feminism important to Bowland College? - IWD 2018

Wednesday 14-03-2018 - 15:29
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Last week on Thursday 8th March, we all celebrated International Women's Day 2018. Around campus it was a day of celebration and as a college we decided to take the opportunity to consider why feminism is important to us as a college. We asked Bowland college members why they felt feminism is important to them and here are their individual responses.

We need feminism because: 

- Equality for all is the best thing ever! 

-Cause Feminism Rules! 

-Women can do anything a man can do! 

-Bowland JCR girls are GOLDEN

-I like feminisim because everyone deserves equal rights 

-because of double standards 

-So people will continue fighting for equality

-Because Women = Men 

-Freedom of choice 

-Equality is important! 

-Destory gender bias! 

-Because we deserve equality

-Because why not? 

-Need more women in science 

-Because my male friends shouldn't tell me to 'cover up' on a night out


-Because i still feel unsafe 

-Tampons shouldn't be taxed 

-Because i am still treated like a second rate citizen

-Because we are strong individuals who need and deserve equal representation 

-Women need to know they don't have to rely on men 

-Why shouldn't women be equal? 

-People are still scared to use the word feminist 

-Women need to believe in themselves too! Women matter Too 

-Because why the fuck are saintary products taxed as a luxury? 

-Equality is great 

-Because it is 2018! 

-Women are still judged harder for their sex life than men

-Women are cool 

-It's time for female leaders to be taken seriously 

-Because we should be equal/ What makes us different? 

-We still don't have gender equality and too many bad things are happening e.g Trump's existence

Whatever your reasons for supporting International Women's Day 2018, it is important for us to remember why we need feminism throughout the year. 


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