Welcome to Cartmel College

A diverse, inclusive and friendly college, which celebrates a variety of cultures, sporting victories (especially against Furness), and a wide range of socials and events for all students. Cartmel College is situated on South West Campus at Lancaster University, alongside Lonsdale and Graduate College. Our strong community spirit within this area of campus enables a positive and undaunting transition into University life. The college becomes a home-from-home, study space and social centre, as well as offering a wealth of support through socials and welfare initatives.
Our College Manager, Senior Common Room Executives (SCR) and Junior Common Room Executives (JCR) provide students advice and support with any questions or queries in relation to welfare issues, homesickness, course difficulties, attendence, financal problems, etc. The College Accommodation Manager is available to help with any issues relating to the accommodation, whether there is a fault with a room or problem with flatmates. The College Porters are on duty 24/7 in term time, and help students with difficulties outside of office hours and the point of contact with emergencies and collection of mail and parcels.
The Junior Common Room Executive (JCR) are a team of Cartmelains who are elected by fellow Cartmelains to represent Cartmel College across the University, and to create, organise and deliver a variety of intercollegiate sporting, welfare and social activities for students. Follow our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for updates on socials, events, and important news around campus!