Annual General Meeting Notice and Information

Wednesday 31-03-2021 - 14:30
Article agm

Lancaster University Students’ Union is holding its Annual General Meeting online at 6pm on Thursday April 22 2021

Agenda items will include:

  • Approval of the proposed new Articles of Association
  • Officer reports 
  • Trustees' Annual Report
  • Affiliations for 2020-21 
  • Union accounts
  • Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
  • Open questions to trustees and officers

You also have a chance to raise a policy item that sets the beliefs of the Union. Is there an issue that you really care about and you want the Union to take action on? Bring it to AGM. 

The deadline for items for the agenda is the April 11th to that we will publish any policy motions and put out a call for amendments. The deadline for those will be April 18th.

The Union will esnure for the provision of proxy voting to any students who may not be able to make it to the AGM.



A bit of important information about Motions

Students can mandate the SU to undertake specific sets of work by submitting a motion, this could be adopting new behaviours in how we conduct ourselves, or campaigns and projects that the SU should undertake in making student life better. 

You may find it useful to approach one of the SU's Officers to give input into your motion if your motion concerns them, or if you would like to advice on how to make your motion most effective. All of the officers will be perfectly happy to offer feedback and assist you in writing your motion. 
To help you fill out the submission, we will be using an example of a submission from the 2019 AGM surrounding the climate emergency. To see other past motions please click here

If you have any questions about filling out the form or the process itself, please feel free to get in touch with us at 

The deadline for motion submissions is the 11th of April. Motions will then be released on the students' union website shortly after to all students for any amendments. 

Proposers of motions are asked to present your motion at the AGM on the 22nd, or name a seconder who can speak in your place. 

Only current students and members of the SU are able to submit a motion. 

Please submit the motion in the format below (as a word doc) to or fillout the following form - you need to only do one of the two.


Motion Template
Name of your motion 

Motion for Approval/Discussion (delete as appropriate) 

Proposer: Your Name 

Seconder: Your Seconder’s Name 

This Union Notes:

This is where you should type out some facts and background information around your motion. Please format it in bullet pointed sentences, and links to evidence where possible. 


  1. On September 17th 2019, the Union Executive voted to support the petition calling for the University to declare and respond to a Climate Emergency; 

  2. The University came 91st in People & Planet’s 2019 UK University League table on environmental and ethical performance; 

  3. The University does not have an Ethical Investment Policy; 

This Union Believes: 

This is where you should write the behaviours the SU should adopt, and the beliefs it should express because of this motion. 


  1. No single issue is more important or urgent than tackling the Climate Emergency; 

  2. The Climate Emergency cannot be tackled without massive structural changes in the global economy; 

This Union Resolves: 

This is where you should write the actions the SU should undertake in addressing your motion. 


  1. Officially declare a Climate Emergency, and prioritise the reduction of carbon emissions across all the Union’s work, committing to making all the Union activities net carbon-neutral by 2030; 

  2. Support all nonviolent protest, boycotts, and direct action against fossil fuel companies and their financiers, especially all student-led protest in and against the University; 





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