
Improve Wellbeing, Counselling and Mental Health Services at the University

by Deleted User 22 May 2018, 11:40

Category: University Petition

Voting closed


By signing this petition you are telling the University that they need to increase the resources and funding provided to the Wellbeing, Counselling and Mental Health services here at the University. Once this petition has received enough signatures it will be presented to the University in order to prove to them students at Lancaster really care about mental health support. We have three main aims of the campaign which are listed below;

1) Better space for the actual sessions; some students are having them in broom closets and in the learning zone with other students able to hear and those that get a private room are more like GP clinics rather than a room you would be comfortable speaking to someone in.

2) All staff should be able to know where to refer students to the correct services but can not at the moment due to insufficient training. 30% of students go to their academic advisor as their first point of contact in the University but not all advisors know what to do.

3) Improve how someone can access the service; currently you can have an appointment with the college CAT team, College Wellbeing officer or the counselling service but very few people know the difference. We want there to be a more streamline way of accessing which service you need in hope that it allows the more quicker appointment times for all especially those in urgent need of it.

Thank you for signing.
