Everything we do aims to have students at its heart and is driven by six outcomes you have told us are important to you during your time at Lancaster. Here's more detail on what they mean and what success looks like for the union.
I feel I belong
- Every student feels welcomed by the SU whenever they start
- Students feel the SU as a way to socialise, meet people and make friends through a diverse set of activities
- Students are part of their college life
- Students feel supported and included by their classmates
- Students can identify a ‘community’ to which they feel a sense of belonging
- Students know the SU values and celebrates the diversity of its students
- Students feel part of a co-created academic community
I am actively involved in university life in Lancaster
- Students are clear and confident about how they can get the most out of university
- Students are clear and confident about how they can get the most out of their students’ union
- Students feel that they have opportunities to ‘make a difference’ and know the impact of their work is understood and valued
- Students know the SU provides opportunities to learn something new
- Students know that the SU will support them try new ideas and develop and lead their own activity
- Students feel the SU’s approach enables activity to happen
Nothing holds me back from succeeding at university
- Students know what study skills are important in order to have a successful experience on their course
- Students know what life skills are important in order to have a successful student experience
- Students feel able to manage their work life balance to give their studies the focus needed to have a successful academic experience
- Students have sufficient access to the resources, space and support needed for their course and to gain them a degree
- Students know they will be supported to overcome the challenges they face so they can feel physically and mentally well enough to successfully participate in their course
- Students know money is not a barrier to fully participating in their studies and university campus life
- Students know what cultural competencies are needed to study in a diverse student community
- Students can find part time work if they need to
- Students recognise that SU services and activities support positive wellbeing and a successful academic experience
- Students know they have the support to find appropriate and safe student housing for them
- Students have sufficient access to the resources, facilities and support to achieve a healthy work life balance
I know I can go to our union for help and support
- Students know how the SU can help with academic and personal issues
- Students believe SU advice and representation services are accessible
- Students believe the SU can help develop their ideas
- University staff have a good understanding of the services and support available to students at the SU
- Students recognise academic reps and Colleges Officers as part of the SU and know how to identify or name them, and how to contact them
I feel I can make my voice heard through our SU and we’re a collective force for positive change
- Relationships between University staff and SU leadership are considered ‘strong, challenging and constructive’ by both parties
- Students believe the SU is credible in representing the views of the student body and can identify a specific ‘win’
- Students know that the SU works to improve academic delivery for all students and can identify a specific ‘win’
- Students know who their representatives are and what they are working on, on their behalf
- Students believe their SU representatives (including course reps) are credible and effective
- Students know SU campaigns are relevant to students’ needs and know how to get involved if they want to
- University staff believe the SU’s representation and campaigning is credible and effective
- Students can see student representatives like themselves involved
- Students know how decisions are made by the SU
- Students know their officers are representative of them
My uni experience is preparing me for my future
- Students know that there are leadership opportunities through the SU where they can develop their employability
- Activities and experiences with the SU enable student to develop identifiable soft skills and resilience
- Students know that they can evidence and demonstrate what they’ve learnt with the SU
- Students believe that the SU is a great employer for part time work