Space on campus has been a hot topic this year, from Design The Spine to suitable study space, social areas and society room bookings. We want to use this General Meeting to hear from you directly about these areas.
You also have a chance to raise a policy item that sets the beliefs of the Union. Is there an issue that you really care about and you want the Union to take action on? Bring it to AGM.
Other business at AGM will include reports from the Full Time Officers, finding out how and where the Union spent its money this year, and looking at our affiliations.
The deadline for items for the agenda is 12pm Monday Week 8 to lusu.governance@lancaster.
Following that we will publish any policy motions and put out a call for amendments. The deadline for those will be Thursday Week 8 (same as above)
At the amendments deadline we will open up proxy voting and need to any students who may not be able to make it to the AGM.
Proxy voting closes at 12pm on Thursday 15th (Week 9)
You can join the Facebook event here.