The Curriculum Transformation Programme (CTP) is, according to the University, ‘a long-term University project to define the qualities of our curriculum, and the impact it should have on our students and graduates’. It is a huge project that will have major impacts on students, from moving to two terms from three semesters, to setting a 20-credit minimum for all modules.
However, Education Officer – Harrison Stewart – has pointed out key issues with the project. In a letter to Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education) Wendy Robinson, Harrison states that ‘Lancaster University has engaged with students as an external and periphery stakeholder’ and that student consultation on the CTP has been ‘minimal’.
In this letter, your Education Officer calls for requirements that departments must consult students to a ‘meaningful’ and ‘substantial’ extent in the CTP’s design phase(s). He also requests that Lancaster students be an ‘integral part of the approvals panel for each programme’.
He has said “I am deeply concerned that the requests in this letter are not obvious requirements already for the university. I, and the academic representatives that have raised these concerns in committees across the university, hope that through this letter the university executive will respect our voice. We as students aren’t asking for the world – only to be engaged with meaningfully and considered rightfully as a key stakeholder rather than an afterthought”.
Harrison Stewart, Education Officer 2024/25.
You can read Harrison’s full letter to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor here.