After voting closed at 6pm on Thursday 6th March, we counted and verified the results of the elections for the four Full-Time Officer positions. We work hard to ensure that all our elections are fair, and results are valid, before winners are announced at 9:30pm on Friday 7th March.
If you’d rather relive the live experience, you can watch LA1TV’s stream of the Results event here:
The following candidates were successfully elected:
President 2025/26: Rory O’Ceallaigh
Activities Officer 2025/26: Emily Woods
Education Officer 2025/26: Niamh McAuley
Wellbeing Officer 2025/26: Leah Buttery
You can view the raw count sheets here.
We would like to thank all our amazing candidates this election season. We asked that you all gave it a go and made the most of the experience - we were so proud to see you all trying new things, pushing yourselves outside of your comfort zones, and throwing yourselves into the experience. A big thank you goes to: Adam, Ben, Eliza, Emily, Finn, Leah, Matthew, Morgan, Niamh, Nic, Ollie, Rory & Tom.
We would also like to acknowledge the work of our wonderful student media: LA1TV, BailriggFM, & SCAN.
You can watch back LA1TV’s interviews and debates on their Youtube channel: President interviews, Activities Officer interviews, Education Officer interviews, and Wellbeing Officer interviews. You can also find live coverage of Candidate Questions. You can catch-up on SCAN’s elections coverage on their website.
We like to show some appreciation for the hundreds of students who campaigned and supported our wonderful candidates, chose to endorse candidates (or not), and encouraged their friends to cast their all-important votes.
We’d like to thank the many members of University academic staff who allowed candidates to speak in their lectures. Your enthusiasm and encouragement for students’ democratic engagement is extremely welcome.
Finally, we would like to thank the current Officers and everyone in the LUSU staff team for their support and enthusiasm throughout the elections period. We would like to thank the LUSU Shop Team for feeding our candidates, the LUSU Events Team for their support with Candidate Questions & Results, LUSU Green for planting trees, and The Sugarhouse Team for ensuring our candidates and their friends could celebrate the end of elections in-style.
If you have any questions about our elections and how they are run, please email
For those with a burning interest in elections, we will try and provide some more behind-the-scenes insights into how the elections are run. For now:
You can read candidates’ manifestos here: FTO Manifestos
You can read all the questions pre-submitted to Candidate Questions here.