This is a fantastic opportunity for anyone currently or previously involved with student sports clubs to really make a difference whilst gaining valuable experience, planning a home Roses and more! If you’d like to apply please follow this link.
What is it?
The Sports Committee is a new initiative developed by our VP Activities to better facilitate the operational, financial and developmental support that the Union offers to its affiliated sports clubs.
The committee is made up of the VP Activities and eight appointed members selected by the previous committee based on their ability to represent the very diverse interests and needs that make up Lancaster University's sports clubs.
The committee will meet regularly throughout the academic year at a rate set by the chair – to be able to efficiently deal with business in a timely manner.
How does this affect me?
How do I become a member?
The committee will be appointed by the activites team on an application basis. Vacancies will be published and application forms made available on the union website during the appropriate times.
We welcome applications from any student currently or previously involved with any strand of sport within the university with the aim of adequately representing the varied and diverse range of activity we currently support.
Please read our full terms of reference or alternatively email for more information or to arrange a meeting.