Stop Sexual Misconduct & Harassment Campaign Update

Monday 24-03-2025 - 09:40


Written by Ella Smith, Millie Ni-Elle Ashton, Leah Buttery

Ella is the Wellbeing Officer at LUSU. Millie is the Womens+ LCO at LUSU. Leah is a Student Campaigner, History Student, and the upcoming 2025/26 Wellbeing Officer. 


A few weeks ago, we publicly launched the Stop Sexual Misconduct & Harassment Campaign. There were lots of opportunities for students to engage – take a look at how we managed making banners, completing a survey, and attending the demonstration at the end of the week. 


Surveying – 4th February

We ventured to different areas of campus asking students to complete a short quiz on consent. Most participants (98%) understood consent can be withdrawn after its initially given, though these results did not align with social interactions we experienced. 

Most students engaged with us politely, a couple asked for clarification on questions; others participated happily, unfazed by the nature of the questions; and some even showed interest in attending the demonstration later in the week.  

More negative experiences occurred with male-presenting groups: on two occasions, these groups became somewhat hostile towards us. They found the topic funny, reading the questions aloud to their friends as if to make fun of them, making jokes about how they thought their friends would answer incorrectly. Normalisation of jokes like this is why rape culture perpetuates. This behaviour aligns with the 13% that believe body language does not matter, and that consent is only verbal. 

All in all, the social interaction when surveying highlighted the problem; many students were not comfortable having a serious conversation about sex and consent (despite 94% claiming they are comfortable discussing the topics!) 

The consequences of this can be seen every day. In recent weeks, we’ve seen various social media accounts circulate anonymous submissions. These posts have contained many different types of abuse and harassment that are degrading, not only to women, but any humans mentioned. These accounts, as far as we’re aware, are ran by Lancaster University students, using submissions from our student population. 

It's easy to pretend these issues aren’t real, especially when they’re encountered online. But the reality is, that when you come face to face with the people making the jokes, it can be a harrowing and unforgettable experience. Here at LUSU and within the Womens+ Network, we do not tolerate this behaviour. We foster respectful and welcoming spaces to all.



Sign painting – 5th February

In preparation for the demonstration on Thursday, we brought together a sign-painting group. It was here that we witnessed creativity and passion through paintbrushes, with banners including the phrases:

A collection of hand-written signs saying: Believe Victims, She is Royalty, NOW, Stop Creeps!, Can you hear the women sing?, F*ck this System, 68% of female students experience sexual harassment, Safeguard students, Stop rape culture, zero tolerance, People before profit, My Body, My Rights, My Choice, Lancaster Uni Stop Protecting my rapist!, You Must Be Held Accountable, There is no freedom until the freedom of women, End Rape Culture.


It was a powerful environment to be in. With so many students coming together, engaging in important conversations about the reality of the issue, we got to witness just how many people share our care and passion for the movement. 


Demonstration – 6th February

And then it was time to put our work into action. 

The February 6th demonstration was an overwhelming success, drawing a diverse crowd of students from various courses, year groups, and backgrounds to protest that the University do more to tackle sexual misconduct. 

Despite security’s attempts to quieten the protest and run-ins with some misogynistic hecklers, there was an overwhelmingly positive energy. Seeing how many students brought banners and got involved with chants was nothing less than impressive – it was a clear message that we, the students, would no longer accept inaction.

During the protest, University Management stood at the windows overlooking Alexandra Square. Staff witnessed firsthand the unprecedented turnout of students demanding stronger action against sexual misconduct – a visual confirmation that this issue could no longer be ignored. Most encouragingly, the demonstration garnered substantial media coverage, with student media outlets LA1TV, BailriggFM, and SCAN extensively documenting the event alongside the Lancaster Guardian reporting on the campaign.

This demonstration has laid bare the stark choice university leadership faces: either meaningfully address sexual misconduct on campus with the urgency it demands, or continue to face a mobilised student body determined to hold them publicly accountable.


Meeting with the Senior University Management – 7th February

A large part of the work for this campaign happened behind closed doors, including a meeting arranged by Cerys (LUSU’s President) with a member of the University Executive Board. I (Ella - Wellbeing Officer) led a group of students who have experienced the downfalls of university procedures into the meeting, for their voices to finally be heard. 

Their stories included details of sexual misconduct and harassment, poor experiences with disclosures, lack of clarity around the investigation processes, and many more unacceptable practices. There was no acknowledgement for the widespread issue, only apologies on behalf of the University that the students in the room had had these experiences. It was assured that the University would work with the Students’ Union to address these issues going forward, and incorporate the student voice and experience to rectify these systems. 

Nearly two months later, there is little to show for it. 


Office for Students (OfS) E6 Committee

As the Wellbeing Officer, I sit on the University’s Office for Students (OfS) E6 Committee. From August 1st, the OfS is implementing a new condition for all higher education providers to protect students from sexual misconduct. I have been working with those who have experienced the failings of the student conduct system to better represent these voices in conversations with the University. 

Despite the deadline rapidly approaching, there is little sense of urgency to update current policies, as members of the committee believe they are suited for the new condition requirements. In the most recent meeting, I emphasised the need for consent training to be made mandatory, which, fortunately, is now a topic of discussion. 

The E6 Committee is both a blessing and a curse. While it provides meeting opportunities with the appropriate people capable of making change, there is a disproportionate focus on staff i.e. staff training and student-staff relations. 


National Campaigning

And we’re pushing the campaign outside of the Lancaster sphere too. 

Your LUSU President, Cerys, and I will be attending the NUS conference in a couple of weeks where Full Time Officers from across the country come together. The topic we submitted for discussion was ‘How to lobby the OfS to strengthen and clarify E6 condition’. 

Increasing levels of sexual misconduct is not just a local issue, it’s nationwide. This conference should provide insight on how other institutions are implementing the new OfS requirements and ultimately call attention to the power the OfS has. 

To stay up to date on the campaign you can follow @lusuwellbeing on Instagram, and keep an eye out for articles in the future. 

If you have been affected by any of the themes in this article, there are a number of support services available.

LUSU Advice  
Our advice service supports all students at Lancaster University with a range of issues, they are confidential, independent and impartial. You can contact them via email at to arrange an appointment.  

Victim Support 
Can support anyone affected by crime. Not only those who experience it directly, but also their friends, family and any other people involved. Call their Support line free of charge on 0808 16 89 111 available 24/7. Visit the Victim Support website here.  

Provides a comprehensive range of specialist, best practice services to anyone affected by or at risk of sexual violence. Contact via phone on 01926 402 498 (Open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm, please note this is not a crisis line).  

Rape Crisis  
Provides a free phone and online chat service for anyone aged 16+ in England and Wales who has been affected by rape, child sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment or any other form of sexual violence. Call free on 0808 500 2222 open 24/7. 

Birchall Trust  
Offers support to anyone affected by rape, sexual abuse or sexualised violence in Cumbria or Lancashire.  
North Lancs Phone: 01524 239595. Visit the Birchall Trust website here.



Campaigning, Events, Full Time Officers, Liberation & Campaign Officers, Union, University, Voice

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