Climate Action

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  • Category

    • Volunteering
    • Sustainability
    • Community Volunteering
    • Campaigning
    • Academic
  • Events
  • Articles



Lancaster University Climate Action Society (LUCAS) offers a community to like-minded students who wish to engage in learning more about the climate crisis whilst offering a fun and friendly community where they can meet new people.


We will be running educational events such as climate talks by professionals, friendly debates and discussions, as well as promotion of things we can all do to reduce our environmental impact.


As well as this we will also be organising social events such as film and quiz nights. We will also be volunteering in beach and campus clean-ups, as well as tree planting to ensure we are looking after our local community.


If this is something you would be interested in, feel free to come along and all ideas are welcome! If you have any questions, email us at or 


You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram! :)


Social Media

  • Facebook – Lancaster University Climate Action Society – LUCAS
  • Instagram - luclimateactionsociety


Terms and conditions

Click here to view terms and conditions


By joining this group basic information such as name, email and date of birth will be made available to the organisers of the group. Next of Kin details may also be provided if part of the registration. Anonymised demographic information of the group’s membership will be used to improve activity but will not identify any individual.