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Right now, children are in danger. We will do whatever it takes until every child is safe. UNICEF is the world's leading organisation for children in over 190 countries.

UNICEF on Campus is a student initiative supporting the work of UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) through both fundraising activities and awareness-raising events here at the University. UNICEF works to provide both emergency aid and long-term development projects to some of the world's most vulnerable children.

UNICEF helps children receive the support, healthcare and education they need to survive the threats of childhood poverty - such as preventable diseases or malnutrition - and grow up to become healthy adults. If you are interested in making a difference in children's lives throughout the world, then come along and get involved!


After signing up on the Union Cloud, please like our Instagram page UNICEF On Campus - Lancaster University and join our group UNICEF LU Volunteers! Also, to take part in our fantastic volunteering opportunities and events, you need to get a UNICEF T-shirt! The T-shirts are a way for you to feel united with our team as well as to gain more awareness and increase our presence on campus.

UNICEF Instagram: unicef_lu

UNICEF T-shirts: £8

UNICEF On Campus - Lancaster University: https://www.facebook.com/uniceflancaster

Executive Committee (2023/24)

President - Omar Ali Tariq

Vice-President - Abbas Hasan

General Secretary - Abdullah Ahmed

Chief Information Officer - Isaac Hussain 

Volunteer's Director - Adriana Ezelyn 

Events Coordinator - Aliya Naqvi

Social Media Manager - Daniel Wright

Liason Officer - Selma Marouf

Treasurer - Haisam Tayyab 


Terms and conditions

Click here to view terms and conditions


By joining this group basic information such as name, email and date of birth will be made available to the organisers of the group. Next of Kin details may also be provided if part of the registration. Anonymised demographic information of the group’s membership will be used to improve activity but will not identify any individual.