At LUVeg, we welcome everyone - whether you've been veggie or vegan for years, months, days ... and even those of you who aren't veggie/vegan but want to see what this lifestyle is like!
As there are around 13,000 students at Lancaster, it can be quite overwhelming and you may not really know where to begin when it comes to finding likeminded students. This is where LUVeg comes in! Our purpose is to give veggies and non-veggies alike opportunities to socialise, eat good food and have a great time, and sometimes even learn some new skills from cooking demos to activism.
We host weekly events including potlucks on campus where members bring veg food they've bought or made for us all to share and enjoy. Join our facebook group and you'll be invited to each one! We also love our meals out at veg-friendly restaurants in Lancaster. If your more interested in learning more about the vegan and vegetarian lifestyle, we do invite guest speakers to attend the university for talks and organise several film and documentary showings throughout the term to show you the wonderful positive differences you can make simply by changing what you eat. We also organise visits to Vegan/Vegetarian festivals in the North, where we get to meet like-minded people and empty our wallets on food, apparel and gifts of every kind - all cruelty-free and every penny going towards veg-friendly causes!
We are a very relaxed, friendly society with a wonderfully diverse range of members from all walks of life, so you're sure to find a friend or two (or more hopefully!) here! Our main aim is to create a community of like-minded people :) We look forward to seeing you at our next event!
[Follow us on instagram: @luvegsoc and find us on Facebook by searching Lancaster University vegetarian and vegan society]
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By joining this group basic information such as name, email and date of birth will be made available to the organisers of the group. Next of Kin details may also be provided if part of the registration. Anonymised demographic information of the group’s membership will be used to improve activity but will not identify any individual.