Paid Focus Group Opportunity

Monday 05-03-2018 - 15:04

Every few years Lancaster University Students’ Union reviews its strategy to make sure it meets the needs of its members now and in the future. To make sure all bases are covered we’ve broken the strategy down into thematic groups one of which is The Member Development Thematic Group. This group will be looking at ‘The Student Leader Pathway’ and exploring how we as a students’ union provide opportunities for students and how we support those students that wont to take on leadership roles, be that in democratic roles such as JCR. FTO and PTO roles, as Academic Reps, in Clubs and societies or in volunteering opportunities.

To make sure we effectively represent all areas of our membership we are holding a number of focus groups. These focus groups will explore the various ways students’ access and engage with leadership roles within the Students’ Union and how they can be supported in their ongoing development.

We are looking for members of College Exec’s, Academic Reps, Clubs, Societies and Volunteers.

The focus groups will last around 2 hours and be in a carousel style, students who take part will receive £20 for their time. Refreshments will be provided.

You can sign up here!



Related Tags :

clubs, Societies, Stratgy, Volunteering,

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