When it starts, and why we restrict the campaigning period


Candidates can start campaigning at 10AM on Friday 28th February online and on-campus. Campaigning will then continue until the close of voting at 6PM on Thursday 6th March. 


We limit the campaigning to protect the wellbeing of our candidates, as well as ensuring the elections remain a distinct, lively, and interesting event in the academic year. We also don't want voters to feel over-saturated or overwhelmed. 



The Rules


We encourage candidates to be innovative and campaign in ways that best reach voters and help them achieve their goals. 


Nevertheless, to ensure our elections are fair, candidates' campaigns and conduct is bound by our election rules. You can read them here.



What you might see


In past years, candidates have produced a range of material to promote themselves. We provide a small budget to allow them to produce banners, posters, and other physical promotional material. 


Candidates are also active online. Expect lots of interesting visual and video content on social media. You will likely see your fellow students posting in group chats in support of their favoured candidates. 


We encourage candidates to speak to as many students as possible. This includes speaking (very) briefly in your lectures. Please be respectful - our candidates are students just like you, and are often highly motivated to win their election and make a real positive difference to students' lives. 


In the moment, it might feel overwhelming. However, remember the campaigning period lasts less than a week! As quickly as it starts, it will also end. Just don't forget to vote before it does!