A manifesto is a short statement that voters can see by clicking on your profile in the voting platform.
At Lancaster, we know voters take the time to read (or skim read) these before making their decision. Manifestos can be no longer than 250 words, to make them more digestible for voters.
This is a candidate's opportunity to tell students why they are the right candidate for the position. In this video, Frank (LUSU Student Insight & Voice Manager) looks at how to create a manifesto, what to include in it, and how to articulate your points in a way that will win votes.
It's important to make an informed decision when casting your vote.
How you inform yourself and make your decision is completely up to you. Nevertheless, candidates are required to write a manifesto to articulate who they are, why you should vote for them, and what they intend to do if elected.
We limit candidates to 250 words to keep it concise and to ensure voting isn't too time consuming. Don't be surprised if candidates provide links to social media accounts or more information about their campaigns.
We strongly recommend reading manifestos, coming to Candidate Questions, watching interviews, and engaging with candidates to help inform your choice. Remember: your vote is private; you cannot be pressured or coerced to vote for anyone.