This is what it looks like to vote! 



To cast your vote during the voting period, all you need to do is log-in to the Students' Union website (using your university log-in details). You'll then automatically be taken to the voting platform. Easy peasy! 


On the platform, you can click through all the positions available. Read each candidate's manifesto, find out more about them, and discover what they want to do if elected. You can rank the candidates in your order of preference. You don't have to rank all the candidates; you could just put your fave 1st and leave it at that! Then just click submit and you're done. 



Why we use preferential voting


At LUSU, we use a single-transferrable voting system. 


This means that when you cast your vote, you have the opportunity to rank the candidates in order of preference, instead of just putting an 'X' in a box. 


Use your preferences carefully! Results are often decided by voters' 2nd and 3rd preferences, when candidates are knocked-out during various stages of the count. 



Re-Open Nominations


When voting, you may notice you have the option to Re-Open Nominations. 


Re-Open Nominations is fairly self-explanatory; if it wins, we run the election again with new candidates. It's there as an option if you don't want to vote for any of the candidates - so no-one runs unopposed in our elections.