This year 173 of your student reps engaged with the Rep Development Scheme which offered free skills development training to help them represent you better. They also undertook research into your student experience and attended meetings to represent your views about issues like: Storm Desmond, January exams, Lecture Recording, Student Democracy, Library refurbishments, Moodle improvements, QAA and changes in the HE sector. Many of them achieved Silver or Gold standards on the scheme.
The Academic Rep scheme entered its second year in the 2015-2016 year, this scheme sees Reps from all department take part in training and various other activities throughout the year to better equipt themselves to represent you. The sessions also teach employability skills from negoation, social media, communications, chairing and many others which Reps are encouraged to highlight on their CVs and put into practice as a Rep.
The scheme also condributes towards the Lancaster Award which is added to your degree certificate upon graduation.