Nominations are now open for our Full-Time Officer and Part-Time Officer elections 2019.
This term we’re electing our new President and five Vice-Presidents. These are paid, full-time roles for the most senior officers in the union.
Roles are:
Our Full-Time Officers play a central role in the running of the union - helping to shape its policies and guide the way it operates. They also play a role in running our commercial services. The roles not only make a huge difference to student life at Lancaster, but also give the candidates great experience that will help them launch their future careers. This is your opportunity to lead your union and to make real change here at Lancaster for the benefit of your fellow students.
We’re also electing our six Part-Time Officers. These are voluntary roles, representing students from across the university.
Roles are:
Nominations open on Monday of Week 5 (February 11) and close at noon on Wednesday Week 6 (February 20).
Voting takes place in Week 8 and the successful candidates will take on their roles at the start of the summer vacation.
Find out more about the upcoming elections from our campus celebrities in our Duckmocracy video here:
More information about our elections