Postgraduate and mature students: Freshers is for you, too.

Monday 18-09-2023 - 12:34


Photograph of Sam Hedges,VP Education, the photograph is cropped within a circle frame

Written by Molly O'Reilly-Kime

Molly is the Postgraduate & Mature Students' Officer at LUSU. Alongside volunteering in LUSU, Molly is researching for their PhD in the School of Computing & Communications and enjoys video games, collecting tattoos and drinking good ale in their spare time.


Hey! We can't wait to welcome you to Lancaster very shortly. I'm Molly, your Postgrad & Mature Students' Officer. I've navigated LU as a mature student and now as a PG. There are some challenges when you don't fit the typical student archetype but on the flipside, it can also be a huge advantage - you're bringing life experience and maturity to the table. With all that said, here are some tips for making the most of PGM life here at Lancs. 


Embrace your Inner Fresher

Welcome Week isn’t just for 18 year olds! There are plenty of LUSU and college events worth checking out during WW, whether you want to grab some IKEA furniture, take a trip to the Lake District, or head to LUSU’s nightclub The Sugarhouse for one of their themed nights. Freshers is a rare opportunity to try out a bunch of new things, from unusual hobbies to niche sports – maybe this is the year you take up fencing?


Check Out the Town


Photograph of Lancaster from a high vantage point. Lancaster Castle and Priory feature prominently in the foreground.


There’s no shortage of things to do in Lancaster! Getting out and about is great for your mental health, and this goes doubly if you’re living on campus, have an office, or are just spending a lot of time here studying – it can get claustrophobic pretty quickly. Take a trip into town to scope out the eateries (and drinkeries), and check out some of the events hosted by local groups. Having some variance in your social life is hugely beneficial, especially if you’re planning to stick around after you graduate.


Try Not to Parent

If you’re reading this, the chances are you’re older than most of the freshers you’ll meet, whether that’s by 2 years or 20. While you may be tempted to school your younger flatmates in adulting – or worse, start cleaning up after them – try to give them space to figure stuff out on their own. They’ll get there! Parenting your younger friends can lead to feelings of resentment and obligation. Help out your mates, but don’t become their mum.


Seize the Day



Uni is a unique environment that gives you access to a ton of experiences and resources you can’t get anywhere else. Take those opportunities! Check out your lecturers’ and TAs’ research and reach out to interesting people, or ask the library about that book that’s been evading you. Furthermore, while you might find the work a bit harder than students fresh out of school, you’re probably more inclined to ask the “obvious questions” that everyone else is wondering about. Your cohort will thank you!


Get Involved with the Postgrad & Mature Students' Forum!

The PGM Forum is the LUSU space for Postgrad and Mature students, hosting events and campaigns throughout the year. The space is newly revitalised this year, so take the time to check it out! During Welcome Week, you can stop by and say hi during the Cross-Forum Breakfast or at Freshers’ Fair, and give us a follow on Instagram and Facebook to find out about the exciting things going on throughout the year.


You can discover all of the events taking place during Freshers and all about LUSU in our Freshers' Hub at



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