Rugby Union - Men

  • Club pic



Lancaster University Rugby Union Football Club [LURUFC] is one of the largest and most socially active groups on campus. We pride ourselves in our professionalism on the pitch and the atmosphere we create around the club. The club is one of only a few to be a ‘focus sport’, which provides us with great support and access to resources such as coaching. As a result, we are able to support 2 teams and a flourishing devlopment system. 


Both sides compete in weekly BUCS fixtures against other universities. All teams also compete in the annual varsity competition, Roses, against York and the games never fail to draw a large crowd. Last year we had a historic roses, with our first REDWASH in years. 


We are a club for all abilities and in order to cater for that we have a development pathway which starts with weekly training and frindly matches throughout the term. This allows us to provide regular rugby for those who are just starting or are looking to get back into the sport and help to improve development to move up the teams, and there are multiple examples of this. 


As a club we also pride ourselves on having great fun off the field as well as success on it. Joining the club is a great way to meet people, all with a love for the game of rugby and make some great friends as well. We also have wellbeing sessions to help everyone through the more difficult times we all go through at university. By joining you will become part of a lifelong community filled with great people. 


If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask by email or through the social media outlets and we will get back to you as soon as possible 


Our Training Schedule:

Mondays Performance Training: 20:30 - 22:00 (on the 3g pitch)

Tuesdays Development Training: 17:30 - 19:00 (on the 3g pitch)

Wednesdays: Game day

Sundays: 12:00- 13:30 (on the rugby pitches)



Instagram: @lancasterunirufc

Roses Promo:

Terms and conditions

Click here to view terms and conditions


By joining this group basic information such as name, email and date of birth will be made available to the organisers of the group. Next of Kin details may also be provided if part of the registration. Anonymised demographic information of the group’s membership will be used to improve activity but will not identify any individual.