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Welcome to Lancaster University Yoga Society! We cater to all those who are interested in Yoga; whether you are a beginner or have been practising yoga for a long time, our society is open to all!

We have arranged qualified teachers for different forms of yoga. 

Our classes: 

-  Tuesday Hatha - 4-5pm Brandrigg Room

- Tuesday Yin Yang - 5-6pm Brandrigg Room

- Wednesday Yin - 6-7pm Brandrigg Room 

- Thursday Deep Hatha - 5-6pm Brandrigg Room

Classes are £4.50 for members and £6.50 for non-members. Membership costs £25 for the whole year when purchased during Freshers Week, so it's worth it! 

Please book your class using the booking link: Events @ Lancaster Students' Union (  

If you have any questions you are welcome to:

- Message our Instagram Page: lu_yogasoc

- Message our Facebook Page: Lancaster University Yoga Society: (2) Lancaster University Yoga Society | Facebook

- Email us:

All information and any updates are available on these social media pages, so give us a follow!


Exec Team:
President: Amber Rose
Vice-President: Lucas Lima 
Treasurer: Charlotte Triolaire
General Secretary: Ruth Clarke 
Social and Communications Secretarys: Evie Pearce & Hansi Atapattu
Health & Safety: India Pawasker-Hodson


Lancaster Univeristy Yoga Society x

Terms and conditions

Click here to view terms and conditions


By joining this group basic information such as name, email and date of birth will be made available to the organisers of the group. Next of Kin details may also be provided if part of the registration. Anonymised demographic information of the group’s membership will be used to improve activity but will not identify any individual.